Cockpit Atheist

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hey, Brother! Do You Think...

  Hey Brother, Do You Think...
So this "Hey Brother Do You Think..." meme has been making the rounds a lot lately and, like many other atheists, it irks me.

On reddit (of course) someone posted this as a rebuttal:
Hey Brother, Do You Think...
I take issue with this as well, however.

The problem with the original meme is not that they believe in mom (read: God), it's that they have mislabeled mom as something beyond their sensory organs and beyond the real world. While it is important to consider the effect of their ever-evolving state of being while they grow in the womb, the most important thing to consider is that they /do/ have the capacity to measure "mom" and her effects on their environment.

Ignoring the fact that they aren't even babies yet and lack the capacity to reason, I will grant them, as does the original conjecture, these capacities, and assume they have the same faculties as a well-developed and scientifically ametuer adult. Given that, they can hear her, they can feel her bodyweight shfiting, and they can trace the umbilical cord from their bodies to hers.

If an adult human were trapped in a room, or even, say, stricken to a hospital bed with a feeding tube attached to him, without even knowing where the tube came from or why it was their, he could summize that it did not come from god, even though it is something he cannot live without.

The problem I have with the rebuttal meme is that they have no evidence of Santa. Sure they get gifts from santa, and their parents tell them they will get lumps of coal if they aren't good, but they have to take that on the authority of their parents. Beyond that, they have no real reason to believe santa exists, beyond /wanting/ him to exist. But if you think about it, they really only want him to exist because they've been told to want him to exist.

This rebuttal is just as fallicious as the original claim. The original claim uses poor reason to get to a bad conclusion, and the rebuttal uses poor reason to get to a good conclusion. It is a decent enough rebuttal, but it is not the rebuttal this claim needs.

Your thoughts in 140 characters or less?